Tex Fin Website Photos June 2023-9
Tex-Fin | Finned Tubes


As an integral part of our commitment to excellence, we offer state-of-the-art FACW (Finned Air Cooler/Water Cooler) Heater Fabrication services. Explore the world of FACW heaters and experience the pinnacle of industrial heat exchange technology.

Our FACW heaters are engineered to perfection, designed to cater to the specific needs of your industrial applications:

  • Tailored Design: We offer customized FACW heater solutions to meet the precise specifications of your project, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency.
  • Advanced Heat Transfer: Our FACW heaters are designed to maximize heat transfer, enhancing thermal performance and operational productivity.
  • Fiabilidad y Longevidad: With quality craftsmanship and corrosion-resistant materials, our FACW heaters are built for durability, minimizing maintenance requirements and extending service life.
  • Eficiencia Energética: The efficient design of our FACW heaters helps reduce energy consumption, resulting in cost savings and reduced environmental impact.

Our FACW Heater Fabrication services are backed by our team of experts, state-of-the-art technology, and a dedication to exceeding industry standards.

Trabajamos arduamente para ofrecer productos y servicios de la más alta calidad 
para nuestros clientes. 

¿Por qué elegirnos?

Tex-Fin se compromete a brindar un servicio superior a nuestros clientes. Nuestro personal trabajará con usted a lo largo del proceso de diseño y fabricación para garantizar que nuestros productos cumplan con sus especificaciones y plazos de entrega. Nuestros gerentes de proyecto están siempre disponibles para ayudarlo y reaccionarán rápidamente para asistir en caso de cualquier emergencia.  

Contáctenos para discutir lo que podemos hacer para ayudarlo.